Tadej Praprotnik
The article presents the phenomena of social network sites as a modern and important framework for communication and establishing relationships. The article therefore presents some global trends characteristic for modern society. One of the major driving forces within social network sites is so-called networked individualism. Our society is network society, so networking is one of the basic organizational principles. The article problematizes communication practices within social network sites and presents some explanations. The article presents comparison between early text based (anonymous) on-line communication (chat-rooms and discussion forums), which were more topic-oriented and current networking and communication via social network sites, which are more personal–oriented (Me-Centered Society). The major shift is from communication toward networking. Networking presupposes lots of networked and connected people. This has influence toward communication practices; because it is difficult to maintain deep and content rich communication with lots of individuals, the phatic function of communication is prevailing. Within social network sites different types of information are exchanged. The motivation to be nice and conflict–avoidant influence upon what kind of information and what kind of communication we are looking for. The prevalence of “light” information is just one characteristic. As a consequence the article also stresses the potential danger in case individuals build their knowledge mostly or solely upon information recommended by their Facebook friends.
Key words: social network sites, communication, networked individualism, Facebook, phatic communion
Tadej Praprotnik, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the University of Primorska (The Faculty of Humanities). Contact email address: pratadej (at) gmail.com
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Tadej Praprotnik. WHAT'S UP? NOT SO MUCH. NETWORKING AND COMMUNICATION VIA SOCIAL NETWORK SITES. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.3:5-97, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art1
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art1
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no3-art1.pdf
Milan Bezjak, Nevenka Podgornik
The concern of signalman for safe, regular and settled railway traffic is a mission, which hides many traps that prevent the realization of such tasks; therefore, strict adherence to instructions, regulations, acts and protocols is essential in order for them to carry out the work process, which provides the users with a quality service. The signalman faces daily many situations that are unpredictable and have often negative consequences.
In this paper we identify the presence of stress in the workplace of railroad signalman, the consequences arising there from factual knowledge of the aid program by the signalmen, and the opinion of experts.
Key words: stress at work, railway traffic, consequences, signalman
Milan Bezjak, Slovenian Railways,
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Nevenka Podgornik, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Faculty of Advanced Social Studies,
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Milan Bezjak, Nevenka Podgornik. A SIGNALMAN'S STRESS AT WORK . Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.3:28-20, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art2
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art2
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no3-art2.pdf
Beno Arnejčič
The refugee crisis calls for a deeper social analysis of the behaviour of individuals' in crowds within the framework of the new global economic crisis, which is still a crisis of individual countries, as well as a global crisis of the international community that lacks energy and has no strategy on how to equally divide food, water and other energy sources between nation states and other communities. Due to the inability of countries to ensure safety, individuals drift off into the world and find shelter in large groups of refugees, which are really only an illusion of that shelter. This article is an analysis of the media reports of the first and second wave of refugees from 09/17/2015 until 11/16/2015. I have chosen reports on the waves of refugees from news broadcasts on RTV Slovenia, Echoes ('Odmevi') and news broadcasts on commercial stations TV Planet, Planet Today ('Danes'). The goal of this article is to research media perception of individual and collective behaviour within a refugee wave in 2015 in Slovenia, and the sensitivity of the media towards the position of the individual within this crowd. The Research showed that refugees in crowd form spontaneously. The refugee crisis produces security risks and threats that create the conditions for the collective psychological factors of mass behaviour. Mass media has a strong influence on forming the anonymous, yet (after formation) uniform structure of the crowd. Individuals want to avoid danger in their life by escaping into the crowd.
Key words: crowd psychology, the media, migrants, refugees, refugee crowds, collective behaviour.
Beno Arnejčič Ph. D is an Assistant at the Faculty of Education, Primorska University, Slovenia (
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Beno Arnejčič. PERCEPTION OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF REFUGEES CROWD AS PORTRAYED ON TV. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.3:45-41, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art3
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art3
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no3-art3.pdf
Dereje Ajbie, Matiwos Abi, Abdela Kossa, Yohannes Teffera
Agricultural commodities play an important role in development. But traditional commodity trading, based on exporting produce in bulk at low prices, limits the profits margin from these products flows to producers in developing countries. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the marketing opportunities and challenges of branded agricultural products in selected districts of north Shoa Zone. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Measures of central tendency such as mean, standard deviation are employed to interpret the data. The study result proved that, availability of information about market opportunity, inadequacy of benefits obtained from the brand, and packaging practice is highest in Minjar and Arerti, while adequacy of market size is better in Debre-Sina. Problems and challenges associated with market information, warehouse, finance, raw material, expert support, infrastructure, and production and selling space were highest in Mahal-Meda and Debre-Sina, Thus, creating more market linkage strengthening the cooperatives is crucial to help the farmer exploit the benefit of improved price and marketing.
Key words: Agricultural, product, brand, challenge and opportunity.
Dereje Ajbie (corresponding author), Debre Berhan University, Department of Economics
Matiwos Abi, Debre Berhan University, Department of Management
Abdela Kossa, Debre Berhan University, Department of Management
Yohannes Teffera, Debre Berhan University, Department of Logistics and Supply Chain
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Antonio Ajbie, Matiwos Abi, Abdela Kossa, Yohannes Teffera . ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF BRANDED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS: THE CASE OF NORTH SHOA ZONE. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.3:67-97, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art4
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art4
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no3-art4.pdf
Antonio Frian, Fransiska Mulyani
Millennial generation workforce is a new emerging generation and soon will become dominant workforce in Indonesia. Sadly, millennial generation has high turnover intention in Indonesia. Millennial employee turnover intention is a new problem for human resources because millennial employee has different characteristic compare to its predecessor. Therefore, to resolve millennial employee turnover, the analysis for the affecting factors is necessary. Recently, we found other factors in general generation such as salary and compensation, perceived alternative employment opportunity, employee development system, and employee involvement may affect the millennial employee turnover intention. In this study, to find out the other factors, we conducted a research especially in Indonesia. Data tested by using factor analysis and the results of multiple regression analysis indicated that millennial employee turnover intention significantly affected by perceived alternative employment opportunity and employee development system. The implications of these findings are discussed.
Keyword: millenials, turnover intention, perceived alternative job, employee development system, salary and compensation, involvement
Antonio Frian is the student of Magister Management Program in Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia (
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Fransiska Mulyani is the student of Magister Management Program in Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia (
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Antonio Frian, Fransiska Mulyani. MILLENIALS EMPLOYEE TURNOVER INTENTION IN INDONESIA. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.3:90-111, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art5
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art5
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no3-art5.pdf
Katarina Aman, Jerneja Herzog
Following paper is a part of a bigger research in the field of didactics of art education and printmaking in primary school. Paper sums up a part of research that deals with feasibility of practising different printmaking techniques in the first triad of primary school. During our research we carried out lessons of art education with the same art field (printmaking) and the same motif (self-portrait). In the first part of the lessons, students learned about selected Slovenian printmakers and their works with the motif of self-portrait. We highlighted the importance of Slovenian art. Through artworks, they learned about printmaking techniques, art terms and motif of self-portrait. In the first part of the paper we present printmaking in primary school, printmaking techniques and operational goals concerning the field of art education, as dictated by the curriculum (Učni načrt, 2011). In the second part of the paper we present results of the survey in which students had to show preference for either printmaking technique or for motif of self-portrait. We also present short description of printmaking techniques that we performed in class. Results of the research show that, in the first triad, it is possible to perform the printmaking techniques that are presented in the curriculum and also techniques that are somewhat unknown and unusual, experimental. In most cases, students didn't have any problem understanding the technical process of making a matrix, understanding the print and the principle of mirror image.
Key Words: printmaking techniques, fine art, primary school, first triad
Katarina Aman, M.A., Department of Fine Art, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor,
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PhD. Jerneja Herzog is the assistant professor on the Department of Fine Art, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor,
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Katarina Aman, Jerneja Herzog. DIFFERENT WAYS OF PRACTICING PRINTMAKING TECHNIQUES IN THE FIRST TRIAD OF PRIMARY SCHOOL. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.3:112-127, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art6
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no3-art6
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no3-art6.pdf
Saša Zupan Korže
Airbnb’s and Uber's popularity and scope of their networked business has significantly grown in the last few years. Both companies are engaged in sectors, which are regulated. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the legal issues related to Airbnb networked hospitality business and to Uber's networked transport business, with focus on EU member states solutions and Slovenian approach. The research was carried out from July 2017 to March 2018. We used the method of content analysis of secondary sources, methods of compilation and comparisons, analyses of qualitative data, collected in semi-structures interviews and explanatory case studies. The results show that Airbnb and Uber have become victims of their own success. The hospitality and transport business that participants perform using Airbnb or Uber platform do not comply with sectorial regulation of majority of EU member states. European Commission suggested some guidelines to solve the issues related with networked businesses. Moreover, European Court of Justice pointed out the exact solution on Uber's case. The research opens a debate on legal issues related to new technology-based business models and questions the rationale that stand behind legal solutions.
Keywords: networked business, P2P platforms, Airbnb, Uber, sharing economy, regulation
Saša Zupan Korže, Ph.D. is a lecturer (of law, tourism, economics and entrepreneurship), researcher and consultant.
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Zupan Korže Saša. AIRBNB AND UBER: LEGAL PLATFORM BUT ILLEGAL NETWORKED BUSINESS. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.2:-, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art1
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art1
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no2-art1.pdf
Vera Klopčič
The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia mentions only Italian and Hungarian national minority and Roma community as holders of special collective minority rights. Special rights of the autochthonous Italian and Hungarian national minorities in Slovenia are defined in Article 64. Although data on the ethnic structure in Slovenia reflect more heterogeneous ethnic structure, members of other ethnic groups than Italian and Hungarian national communities and Roma community, at present, do not have the status of a national minority in the sense of collective holders of minority rights. In February 2018 the draft Act on the Implementation of Collective Cultural Rights of National Communities of the Nations of the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the Republic of Slovenia was prepared. The draft received a support within the National Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia for further consideration.
Key words: national minorities, legal regulation, Roma community, new minorities, human rights
Dr Vera Klopčič is a higher scientific fellow at the Institute for Ethnic Studies. She works in the field of protection of human rights and minorities, devoted in depth to researching the situation of the Roma community and the position of "new minorities" in Slovenia and other countries.
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Kločič Vera. LEGAL PROTECTION OF NATIONAL MINORITIES IN SLOVENIA. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.2:-, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art2
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art2
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no2-art2.pdf
Frane Adam
The paper contains three parts. The first part presents the theoretical backgrounds of the relationship between science and civil society, and the concept as well as concrete examples of the Citizen Science. The second part reports the results of a pilot study of young students from five (Slovenian) High Schools. In the third part, so-called group-feedback analysis with the participation of students is considered, regarded as a contribution to the concept of the Citizen Science Experiment.
Keywords: citizen science, high schools, ecology, sustainable development, curriculum, civil society, biology, sociology
Frane Adam, Dr. Prof., Director of the Institute for Developmental and Strategic Analyses (Ljubljana). E-mail:
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Adam Frane. CITIZEN SCIENCE PILOT EXPERIMENT IN HIGH SCHOOLS. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.2:-, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art3
Digital Object Identifier(DOI):
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Nevenka Podgornik
The case study presents a new example of bringing up a child while exerting excessive control and the influence of conjugal problems on a child’s problems while growing up. The therapeutic work with the family in the presented example actually means working with the couple and a parallel individual therapeutic work with an adolescent with problems while growing up.
The transcription of the therapeutic dialog is an attempt to thoroughly present the use of external control psychology behaviours in the client’s life and important relationships. The therapeutic process is orientated towards the client’s replacement of destructive behaviours of external control psychology with a more effective choice theory, which enables him to regain control over his life.
Key words: young people, behavioural problems, individual therapy, partner therapy, psychotherapy, counselling
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Podgornik Nevenka. PROBLEMS WHILE GROWING UP: PRESENTATION OF THE CASE . Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.2:-, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art4
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art4
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no2-art4.pdf
Rafijur Rahman, Md.Mamunur Rashid
In political stability ranking is Bangladesh 172nd position with an index of -1.15. This indicates that Bangladesh is mostly affected with political instability. The purpose of this paper is to show the paper to show the how the political instability empirically affects the economic growth of Bangladesh. For this research questionnaires with a sample of 24 people is conducted and results are analyzed with MS Excel, and data from some previous research. Political instability has various forms such as civil war, social unrest, hartals etc. These types of activities occur when there is the difference of suggesting different solution, at the time of transition of governance. The instability affects our all economic variable, such as, exports, imports, price level, tourism sector, human rights etc. This paper provided strong evidences of substantial productivity loss by firms when multiple hartals occur in a week. Though it has been found that firms re-optimize in response to political strikes, they become able to substitute among factors inputs, mostly by decreasing costs on wages and capital consumption. Small industries are mostly affected by these political instabilities. These findings suggest that the relationship between economic growth and political stability are more complex than is widely presumed.
Key words: Politics, Economic development, Political instability, Bangladesh Economy, Hartals, Business.
Rafijur Rahman, Department of Finance & Banking, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh;
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; +8801991046266
Md. Mamunur Rashid , Ph.D. is a Senior Management Counsellor and Head of the Production Management Division of Bangladesh Institute of Management; 4, Sobhanbag,Dhaka, Bangladesh;
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; +8801712700412
Johannes Simatupang
One of the famous heritages in Jambi Province is Muarajambi Heritage which established as one of tourist destination. Hence, rural tourism that determines by social entrepreneurship potencies is considered to be marketing tool. So, research question: “Is social entrepreneur potential to implement rural tourism at that heritage tourist destination? This research mainly uses qualitative method that adding information by delivered questionnaires to the citizen surrounding the heritage. In-depth interview is conducted to several key stakeholders in order to craft heritage value to be delivered as a model for rural tourism. The results shows that: 1) local people and community do not comprehend and perceived their role on the local government heritage program, 2) value that delivered by related officials is not clear enough so it prevents local citizen and community to be involved, and 3) coordination between government affairs is not well conducted to manage tourism program. These make social entrepreneurship is not well implemented yet to be established as rural tourism practices on marketing program. Hence it is recommended to reformulate heritage value to be delivered to potential segment market creatively. Furthermore, it should consider global and universal attribute in order to sustain it as the rural tourism destination.
Keywords: community marketer, market segment, heritage value, conservation activities and heritage branding
Prof. Dr. Johannes, S.E., M.Si is senior lecturer at program Magister Management, Postgraduated Program University of Jambi (
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Simatupang Johannes . HOW IS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS AN ASSET TO IMPLEMENT RURAL TOURISM AT MUARAJAMBI HERITAGE?. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.2:-, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art6
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art6
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no2-art6.pdf
Andreas Schneider
This research paper contributes to the literature of white-collar crime by using a unique data set of aggregated monthly white-collar crime incidents for Paraguay. The time series includes data from 2000–2016. Furthermore, a seasonal ARIMA model is presented to model the data. Findings show that white-collar crime has increased more than 800 percent and crime rate more than 640 percent respectively, with a peak in 2015. Fraud and violation of trust contribute to over 91 percent of aggregated white-collar crime. A prediction for 2017 indicates a slight decrease of 5.7 percent compared to 2016.
Keywords: White-collar crime, Paraguay, ARIMA models, Time series, Model selection, Akaike weights
Mag. Andreas Schneider is a consultant and independent researcher in Asuncion (Paraguay) and a registered expert of the Supreme Court of Justice. He holds a German degree in Business Administration and is also a certified expert in Risk Management (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany). Email:
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Schneider Andreas. ARE THEIR COLLARS STILL WHITE? WHITE-COLLAR CRIME: EVIDENDENCE FROM PARAGUAY 2000–2016. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.2:-, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art7
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no2-art7
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no2-art7.pdf
Anita Maharani
The purpose of this article is to give an overview of how recruitment process as in part of human resource management shifts, from traditionally paper use to digital. This article delivers knowledge on how new media plays important role in the organization, especially in terms of human resource management. Recruitment is one of human resource management activity, and along with that, it will be followed by a selection. However, by using new media and in this case, is through social media networks, a corporation or an organization will safes time and reach more potential talented.
Keywords: new, media, recruitment, social, media
Anita Maharani, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia (
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Mateja Gorenc
Employees who abuse Internet services in the workplace have become a major concern among today's employers. The aim of the research was to investigate the influence of social networks on the abuse of Internet services in the workplace in Slovenia. We have designed a structural model to study the impact of social networks on the abuse of Internet services in the workplace. Research was conducted in order to collect data on the impact of social networks on Internet abuse in the workplace. The survey sample included employed people in Slovenia. Our results indicate that there is a serious problem within the impact of social networks on the abuse of Internet services in the workplace. The proposed model in this study can be used for further research on the abuse of Internet services in the workplace
Keywords: Internet, social networks, virtual communication, abuse of internet services in the workplace.
PhD Mateja Gorenc (
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), is working as an independent advisor in the Department for programming and management applications in the information technology sector and she is a lecturer of mathematics and statistic at College of Accounting and Finance.
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Gorenc Mateja. THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ON THE ABUSE OF INTERNET SERVICES IN THE WORKPLACE. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.11, no.1:7-20, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art1
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art1
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no1-art1.pdf
Urša Mars Bitenc, Lara Pirc, Petra Mesec Rodi, Vita Poštuvan, Diego De Leo
A relevant number of suicide decedents visit medical doctors (MDs) in a short period before death. This study aimed to learn about MDs’ attitudes towards suicide prevention, their previous education on suicide, the experience with suicide, and eventually the nature of the last visit with a patient that died by suicide. 159 Slovenian MDs participated in an online survey covering previously mentioned topics. More than a third of MDs have never been trained on suicide prevention and reported lack of knowledge in this area. More than half experienced suicide of a patient or close one. During the last contact before suicide, MDs frequently noticed symptoms of mental health problems, hopelessness, sleep problems, somatic pain and suicidal ideation. More seldom they observed stocking pills, giving away values, gaining access to firearms, and changing a will. At the time of the last visit, main diagnoses were depression (54.5%), schizophrenia (22.7%), bipolar disorder (12.5%), alcohol use disorder (9.6%), and dementia (4.5%). To improve risk assessment and suicide prevention in health-care settings, a specific training would be a highly desirable option for educating MD's.
Keywords: suicide prevention; professional training; medical doctors; last contact
[1] Asst. Urša Mars Bitenc, BSc psychology is a Ph.D student at the University of Ljubljana and a research assistant at the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovene Centre for Suicide Research and Faculty of Mathematics Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Department of Psychology, Koper, Slovenia. E-mail ursa.mars(at)upr.si (corresponding author)
[2] Lara Pirc, MSc (The Kingdom of the Netherlands) is a psychologist at The Counselling Centre for Children, Adolescents and Parents Ljubljana, Slovenia
[3] MD Petra Mesec Rodi is a medical doctor at Škofja Loka Health Centre, Slovenia
[4] PhD Vita Poštuvan is deputy head of Slovene Centre for Suicide Research at Andrej Marušič Institute, and deputy head of Department of Psychology at Faculty of Mathematics Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska Koper, Slovenia
[5] PhD, MD Diego De Leo is head of Slovene Centre for Suicide Research, Andrej Marušič Institute, and head of Department of Psychology at Faculty of Mathematics Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia
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Urša Mars Bitenc, Lara Pirc, Petra Mesec Rodi, Vita Poštuvan, Diego De Leo. NATURE OF LAST CONTACT WITH A MEDICAL DOCTOR BEFORE SUICIDE. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.1:21-41, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art2
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art2
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no1-art2.pdf
Saša Zupan Korže
Tourism consists of activities related to travel, hospitality and entertainment that are partly determined by state regulations. The purpose of this paper is to a) explore the existing legal framework for tourism; b) to present a critical view of private tourism sector on the state's regulation. The research was carried out in 2017. Data were obtained a) from relevant secondary sources (laws, bylaws, EU directives, websites, articles, books) and b) from in-depth semi-structured interviews. We utilize an approach of a mixed-method research design. First, we conducted a review on existing regulations for running tourism business in Slovenia. We supported our findings with empirical data, obtained by interviewing eight representatives of private tourism entities and two state representatives, responsible for tourism. In the results, we presented the legislation framework for running tourism business and highlight some challenges on practical application of legal framework in tourism sector. This research adds a new dimension to tourism research. It contributes to better knowledge and understanding of the influence of Slovenian legislation on running tourism business.
Keywords: tourism, regulation, legal framework.
Saša Zupan Korže, Ph.D. is a lecturer (of law, tourism, economics, entrepreneurship), researcher and consultant
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Saša Zupan Korže. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR TOURISM: NECCESSITY OR POISON PILL. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.1:42-61, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art3
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art3
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no1-art3.pdf |
Bojan Radej, Jelka Pirkovič, Pierre Paquet
European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century (Council of Europe, 2017) has importantly contributed to emphasizing integrative intervention logic of heritage policy by shifting from vertical, sector based to cross-sector based horizontal thinking. Paper develops and explain integral logic that combines vertical and horizontal approach. Three integration measures are proposed: weak and strong balance and cohesion. It is illustrated by a hypothetical example showing how integral heritage policy can be programmed (and evaluated) in relatively simple and transparent way, despite its essential complexity.
Keywords: Council of Europe, European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century, Integral approach to heritage, weak balance, strong balance, cohesion.
[1] Slovenian Evaluation Society,
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(contact author)
[2] Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Hardiani Hardiani, Junaidi Junaidi
This study aims to analyze factors affecting early marriages and to formulate a model of maturing marriage age policy in Jambi Province, Indonesia. Using binary logistic model and interpretive structural modeling, we found that: firstly, factors affecting women’s decision to get married early could come from both individual and their parents charateristics. Secondly, the appropriate model for maturing marriage age policy involved six main elements of the system. Those are objectives, institutions, needs, constraints, community involvement, and assessment benchmarks. We come to the conclusion that maturing marriage age is not only determined by individual characteristics, but also other factors.
Keywords: age at first marriage, early marriage, maturing marriage age; reproductive health
1 Economic Development Department, Faculty of Economics and Business,University of Jambi, Indonesia (
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2 Economic Development Department, Faculty of Economics and Business,University of Jambi, Indonesia (
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Hardiani Hardiani, Junaidi Junaidi. DETERMINANTS OF EARLY MARRIAGE AND MODEL OF MATURING MARRIAGE AGE POLICY: CASE IN JAMBI PROVINCE, INDONESIA. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.1:80-97, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art5
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art5
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no1-art5.pdf |
Mohammed Faruque Uddin, Mohammed Anwar Hossain
This study examines to what extent participation in collective fisheries management constrains fishers’ individual agency towards adjusting with environmental and economic vulnerability and ensuring a sustainable livelihood through marshaling resources and skills. Unequivocally, this research aims at exploring the factors that fade away individual agency in collective action. In the context of Tedala-Chatol-Hoglia Beel in Dakshin Sunamganj, Bangladesh, it reveals that community-based fisheries management (CBFM) facilitates fishers’ access to resources in the fisheries, participation in collective decision-making processes and transfer of resources and skills from fisheries to other enterprises for extending livelihood options. But the fishers fail to achieve socioeconomic freedom to live a decent life over the years. Hence, we seek, to what extent does collective action restrain fishers’ individual agency in Tedala Beel? Using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), it shows that social position allows some fishers to modify rules and resources that improve their individual capacity of acting rationally in different occasions, while others agency is undermined by the same rules and resources.
Keywords: Human agency, Fisheries management, Access to resources, Collective action
[1] Professor, Department of Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, mfaruquddin @ gmail.com
[2] Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, anwarsociology @ gmail.com
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Mohammed Faruque Uddin, Mohammed Anwar Hossain. OBSTACLES TOWARD HUMAN AGENCY: A STUDY ON CBFM PROJECTS IN WATER RESERVOIRS IN NORTHEASTERN BANGLADESH. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.10, no.1:80-97, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art6
Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2018-no1-art6
View full text in pdf: http://www.iiass.com/pdf/IIASS-2018-no1-art6.pdf |