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Dana Mihaela Murgescu, Cristina Elena Nicolescu

The issue of security seems to be the new concern of the political and social realms in this new millennium. If the 20th century brought about a revolution in terms of human rights, which new a tremendous development and recognition, in the past years it seems the focus of the future will be security and, more specifically, security from terrorism.
While we do not dispute the existence of terrorism in the modern capitalist world and the terrible potential outcomes of terrorist actions, with impact over thousands of innocent bystanders, we cannot support a point of view were the rule-makers, in an attempt to not miss a terrorist threat, aim to control everything.
This paper aims to analyze the balance, or lack thereof, and the compatibility between the new regulations intended to stop the possible advance of terrorism within the European Union and the Union's efforts to protect the fundamental rights and liberties of its citizens. The focus of the work will be mainly on the relationship between the people's right to security versus the people's right to privacy. Can we, or should we, prioritize human rights? Who will have the opportunity to decide which right is more important to respect and which one can be by-passed?
We must not forget that the EU is a democratic organization, intrinsically founded on democratic principles and the respect of human rights (Treaty of the European Union, Art. 6, Maastricht: 1992). Experience has shown us that the borderline between excessive care towards protecting the citizens against any possible threat, on the one hand, and complete control of society and disregard for citizens' rights and liberties, on the other hand, is very narrow.

Keywords: Security, terrorism, European Union, human rights

Dana Mihaela Murgescu: University assistant lecturer, PhD candidate, within the Faculty of Public Administration, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration. Graduate of Political Sciences and Law.

Cristina Elena Nicolescu: University assistant lecturer, PhD candidate, within the Faculty of Public Administration, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration. Graduate of Physics and Public Administration.

Cite this article:
Murgescu Dana Mihaela, Cristina Elena Nicolescu. The impact of EU anti-terrorism security measures on the respect of the democratic values. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, vol.3, no.2:46-58, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2010-no2-art03

Digital Object Identifier(DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.12959/issn.1855-0541.IIASS-2010-no2-art03

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