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Notes for Contributors

Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be submitted to the Editor via form by submiting your articles here as a word odocument attachment. To prepare your article for the publication please use this template after our content review.

Papers are received on the understanding that they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere and have not already been published.

This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.

The Editor reserves the right to reject any unsuitable manuscript without requesting an external review. Normally review will be completed within two to three months.

Papers should be in word .doc (not .docx) and not exceed 7000 words (including abstract, notes and references); book reviews should not exceed 1500 words. Please use page margins (top 2cm, bottom 2cm, left 2,5cm, right 2cm), Arial 11 font and 1,15 space between lines. All papers should include abstracts (up to 200 words) and up to 5 key words. Notes can be used as footnotes and have to be limited to the most important additional explanations. Do not exceed 10 footnotes per paper.

Tables should be marked with subsequent numbers and with the name of  the table (e.g.: Table 1: Share of online services), the same rule should be applied also for graphs and pictures.


The title should be concise, descriptive and should not exceed one hundred characters. Sub-heads should be separated by line of space and bolded.

Note on author-s and acknowledgements

Identify author(s) by complete name, title and affiliation. Acknowledgements may include information on financial or/and other support in preparing the manuscript.

References and Citations

Citing Book:

In paper (Surname, year: page) e.g.: (Smith, 1997: 223)

In the reference list

Surname, Name (year): Title of book. Place: Publisher.


Citing chapter in the book

In paper (Surname, year: page) e.g.: (Smith, 1997: 223)

In the reference list

Surname, Name (year): Title of chapter. In Name Surname (ed.): Title of book. Place: Publisher (pages of chapter).


Article in the journal

In paper (Surname, year: page) e.g.: (Smith, 1997: 223)

In the reference list

Surname, Name (year): Title of the article. Title of the journal. Vol.: XXX, No.: 2, pp.: 180-190.


Internet source:

With known author and other data:

In paper (Surname, year: page) e.g.: (Smith, 1997: 223)

In the reference list

Surname, Name (year): title of text. Available at : www.oppoaofa.ok/jojcjpfpa/a.html (date of last access)


 Without known author and other data.

In paper (Internet 1) (and all subsequent numbers)

In the reference list

Internet 1: www.pafoggooa.pf/pcppaf.pafpo/oo.htm (date of last access)


The list of references at the end of the paper has to be edited by alphabetical list of authors' surnames.



The objective of the academic journal is to provide clear communication with an international audience. Style and elegance is secondary aim. In this manner we allow US and UK spelling as long as it is consistent within the article. Authors are responsible for language editing before submitting the article.



The responsibility for respecting copyrights in the quotations of a published article rests with the author(s). When publishing an article in IIASS, authors automatically assign copyright to the journal. Authors retain their right to reuse the material in other publications written or edited by themselves and due to be published at least one year after initial publication in IIASS.


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kinhlup.gif IIASS -Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences is a trusted academic journal published 3 times yearly (January, May, September).


IIASS is an open access Journal under Attribution-NonCommercial  CC BY-NC licence.

For more information please send mail to info(at)iiass.com

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